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miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Intrapreneurship: what it is and how to promote it within the company

When launching to create something from scratch it is important to clarify some ideas: 
  • Anyone can undertake IT (although not everyone may have the capabilities), 
  • Having initiative is NOT the same as undertaking, and 
  • Undertaken within the own company is possible as well.
As part of the Innovation Strategy of a Company, giving workers the possibility of incubating and accelerating disruptive and innovative ideas or projects from inside can be a useful KPI to evaluate them. But of course,
  • Is the company prepared to face this challenge? 
  • Does the company promote this type of activities? 
  • Does the worker have a red carpet for it?
  • Is there an established system
  • Is there a budget
  • Is there a real will
  • How does the worker benefit
This activity we are talking about is known as intrapreneurship: being an entrepreneur within an established and settled organization where clearly identified products / services are existing in the market.

Paradoxically and despite what one might think, being an intrapreneur is not an easy task, but quite the opposite. The purpose of this post is to give some clues to facilitate entrepreneurship from within. Intra-entrepreneurship requires
  • A full understanding of the organizational structure and processes of the company, ins and outs of the processes, who and how decisions are taken, time required, etc ..., to be able to detect in a precise and solid way the weaknesses , needs, and opportunities for improvement that exist. 
  • Networking with senior contacts, to help on how to focus the project, inform about decision-makers and enablers, owners of budget, where and how and to whom the project shall be distributed, provide leverage when required, etc. . 
  • An extensive commercial activity of the project to present it as many times as necessary, ... and never give up. 
  • High levels of resilience
  • Digest high doses of rejection.

In fact, intrapreneurship impacts first on the person him/herself, since it forces his/her to: 
  • Step out from the comfort zone. 
  • A solid technical preparation of the idea. 
  • self-training in new areas 
  • Perform a commercial activity within the Company 
  • Great ability to influence and inspire people who: 1. can lend us a hand to document the project, and 2. sell the project. 
  • Resilience 

On the other hand, for the company hosting these employees, the internal fire of this person can be a gold mine, if the asset is identified and the project and the individual are treated with the proper care. The company must be able to generate the mechanisms to detect who, within the organization, has the initiative to undertake, and at the same time have a sufficient flexibility to address, if deemed appropriate and opportunities are seen, projects of this kind. After all, it is still a very cheap way for the company to launch new ideas.

The importance of surrounding oneself with a team

In this sense, the formation of a temporary small team that gives a hand to lay the foundations of a project is essential. We are talking about: 

1. A finance person to challenge the idea from an economic - financial point of view. In this regards, 
  • There is some magic in the ability to convert an idea drawn on paper into profitability metrics. This shall be one of the superpowers of the intrapreneur. It is important to think that the project will obtain an OK-TO-GO from the Management only if the metrics are satisfactory, unless there are other metrics beyond money that play as well an important role, such us: quality metrics, social responsibility metrics, environmental, temporary metrics (time to market), etc. 
  • Preparing a Business Case can be something very simple, or we can turn it into something so complex that it becomes a nightmare. In this regard, the recommendation is to focus on one or two KPIs, which are to be considered the most relevant ones. 
  • In same cases we will have no other alternative than guessing some key data: it is impossible to have surrogate data for everything. 
  • Risks: there is the possibility of arrive to the conclusion that our company is just a financial company since the level of precision expected is at the level of cents of euro, but do not worry: in reality this is really true. And this feeling can be even more tangile in large companies.
2. Experts in the subject- people with authority in the particular topic, named Subject Matter Expert: they will be one or more depending on the topic to be developed. Fundamental to provide the necessary technological dose and initial feasibility from the expert's point of view. With the arrival of technologies associated with Industry 4.0, the concept of SME has been expanded and other profiles such as Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, etc. are contemplated. 
3. An expert in obtaining grants & subsidies - some internal departments take care of this, or specialized companies that work on the basis of a comission, no fix rate. This third pillar can be a bit controversial - it may not be understood the idea behind this pillar - but certainly the external financial subsidies boost ideas and projects and break down mental barriers and silos: with money to make mistakes and minimize risks everything is easier. Moreover, the European Union is aware of the importance of Research, Development and Innovation as pillars to maintain the state of well-being, and that is why it floods huge amounts of money with projects of all kinds. 
4. A Sponsor: a person with Seniority and appropriate influences within the company to, at any given time, obtain the funds so that the project can really crystallize, because: Who pays for this party? . In fact, this is the first point that we must have resolved: 1. do we have the funds to launch the activity?, and 2. how far we can go with the funds we have collected?.
Everything described above will also need charisma, enthusiasm, smile, resilience and the ability to inspire and transmit and sell the benefits of the project to stakeholders. That is only in the hands of the intrapreneur. 

Minimum documentation to prepare: 

Before putting all the machinery in operation, the deliverables that we must have planned and well worked as an end point to the idea phase would be: 

1. A Word document (let´s name it Technical Specification) that develops the idea in a succinct but implacable, unappealable and impeccable way. The following points are suggested: 
  • Cover and index. The cover shall contain the author and the index shall detail all the sections of the business plan. 
  • Executive summary. This is a summary of the most important aspects of the plan. It should not be excessively long (one page maximum) and should attract attention to whoever reads it and wishes to know the rest of the plan content. The most attractive project data, high-level timing and the conclusions that have already been achieved should be highlighted. 
  • The differentiating factor of the idea. This section should briefly explain the origin of the idea, how it has progressed and are the differences in comparison with the competitors. 
  • Description of the market where the idea is focusing, in terms of: size, growth potential, competitive companies. 
  • The strategy to follow. Consist on describing how to sell the products or services, and the marketing strategy to achieve the objectives. 
  • Economic - financial information, which will be developed in detail in the Business Case: 
                   § How much the party will cost and who will pay it 
                   § What will be the sources of income, 
                   § Structure of costs, margins, expenses, prices etc. 
                   § Relevant metrics 
  • Contingency Plan, in case the Project does not go well. 
  • Annexes: resumes of the people who are part of the team, photographs, plans, market studies, analysis of failure modes.
2. An Excel document: a Business Case detailing what the profitability of the Product / idea is, and how it is achieved (based on what assumptions). As we have said before, it can be a simple excel tab, or a document that includes balances, products, raw material, 5-year income and expense forecast, financing, etc. 
  • As a piece of advice, projects whose pay back time is usually longer than 1 year are not accepted
  • The metrics to be evaluated in this case must be: ROI, VAN, TIR, and Paybcak time. 
  • As we have explained above, not everything is measurable or the Business Case does not come out in any way - and yet it is worth to prepare it in order to document it and show evidence of why it was bookshelved.  
3. A Powerpoint document that explains the idea in less than 7 minutes. The information must have already been elaborated in the previous documents, so it shall not be difficult to extract it. It must include (non-exhaustive list): 
  • Problems to solve 
  • Solution proposals 
  • Advantages 
  • Market size 
  • Timing of activities 

Get as far as possible with 0 euros

If we look back to what we have done so far, the cost of everything is 0 euros: only the time we have been invested (which, indeed, we could convert it into euros). But this motto (we have reach to this point without spending any money) should be a weapon that the intrapreneur must use to convince and launch his/her project. 

In fact, to validate the idea with a cost that does not involve a single euro to the company is the best way to buy other's  mental framework. In this regard and in parallel, we must take the path of seeking regional, national and international subsidies: 
  • There are plenty of R&D& I funds, specially if we have disruptive projects in our hands
  • In some cases those funds are returned to the public administrations, since no project deserves to be funded: that is, there is more money than ideas! 
  • You need to abe to find the right support for the project
  • It´s important to properly address the Specification, so that it is consistent in form and content - for this, it is best to get surrounded oneself with experts. 

Of course, this will lead us to generate a fourth document: the Memory, which is usually a combination of the previous documents. 

The importance of THINKING 

People, throughout the entire value chain of the company, must have time to think. Everybody.

We must respect those people who prefer to limit themselves to doing the ABC of the company's activity: fantastic if it is so, but even in the ABC there are opportunities and therefore continuous doses of innovation: 

  • can we improve the existing processes? 
  • How can we make them more efficient? 
That is why thinking must be everyday part of the equation

Following this thread, the suggestion is to live in the edge: that is, only living in the limit we will we be able to take the best of ourselves. This implies that the tireless search for innovative and efficient solutions must be a must injected in the veins in our day to day, regardless of the momentum of the company. At the end of the day, the success of the Company, mid and long term,will be largely attached to the ability to innovate of the workers: luckily or unfortunately, innovation and immediacy are the guillotines that mark the day-to-day life of companies. 

If we are able to bring in to the Culture of the company this vision of thinking and living in the edge, the results will arrive sooner or later. Without a hint of doubt!. 

Books that can help us get new ideas: 
  • The Medicci Effect, which talks about how doing activities NOT business related can trigger great ideas for the bussiness.

Launch ideas with a start-up mentality 

Having the buy-in of the idea from the Seniors on day 0 does not mean that the support will remain. So then, how do we start? How do we fit innovation into the day to day of the company? 

Launching an idea with a start-up mentality can be summarized in the following points and in general it helps to maintain support throughout the entire project: 
  • Reach a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with a zero (or minimum) budget 
  • Take advantage of the company's existing resources (supporting staff), so that the cost spend of the company remains zero (or minimum) 
  • Update the documentation based on the lessons learned, especially the timing of the project - so no learning is lost
  • Pivot, when necessary 
  • Be ultra efficient in all the initiatives you take: you are usually alone, so you will have no other alternative
  • Report out what you have achieved 
  • Provide the Project with a lot of transparency 
  • Be humble, in general.


The entrepreneurial activity should be present every day of the year, in the day-to-day life of companies and the people who belong to them. The reality is that it is carried out but not documented, and teams are not aware of the the importance of capturing this acquired knowledge, especially for the future. 

It is preferable to start the innovative activity when the company's results come along: it will be easier to find support and budget.

When studing a new project, it is important to give the proper approach to the Business Case. Companies do NOT always look for an economic benefit: on the contrary, it can be of another type: quality, time, efficiency, etc. 

Attract / generate / launch ideas is not a simple task. The company must be able to generate the ideal environment so that those ideas are planted and rise naturally and spontaneously. All those involved in the creation process must be paid back somehow, feel involved and important, y any means. 

Stressing processes and putting them to the limit allows to go beyond. It is beneficial to screen the market in search of opportunities: going to Trade Fairs, reading articles, be in touch with the start-up universe, shall help. There are technologies on the market today that were immature 5 years ago - we must take advantage of this momentum now. 

When the time comes, workers are likely to have to adapt to new ways of working. It must be taken into account that many of today's positions will change or disappear, in any case it is possible that the company wants to amortize them, which does not mean that workers might lose their jobs: they must learn new skills to adapt to the new type of work that are coming in. 

At the time of intrapreneurship, one of the risks companiesy can face is to have too many roosters in the same chicken coop: in other words, ignore how to retain people with entrepreneurial interior fire. The ability to maintain this type of profiles also requires a great capacity for innovation by the human resources department. 

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martes, 14 de mayo de 2019

Cómo los animales en peligro de extinción explican la muerte prematura de empresas con la llegada de la tecnología

¿Qué tienen en común el oso panda, el oso polar y el tigre de bengala? Pues que todos ellos están en peligro de extinción por el calentamiento global.

Hasta ahora, han habido 5 grandes extinciones masivas: éstas se han desarrollado en los últimos 450 millones de años debido, fundamentalmente, a meteoritos y erupciones volcánicas. La sexta extinción se inició hace unos 150 años con la Revolución Industrial y el síntoma es el Cambio Climático. Este cambio, que afecta directamente al hábitat y ecosistema, se está produciendo a tal velocidad que las especies no se están pudiendo adaptar, y será el responsable de la desaparición del:
  • 80 % de especies de agua dulce,
  • 40% de especies terrestres y
  • 36% de especies marinas

Cambien ahora:

  • Cambio climático por Cambio tecnológico
  • Especies de agua dulce, especies terrestres y especies marinas por Sector Primario, Secundario y Terciario
¿No se sienten, como empresarios y trabajadores, identificados con el oso polar, el oso panda y el tigre de bengala? ¡Resulta que la velocidad del cambio es la que está matando! .

Hagamos otro ejercicio pero visto desde otro ángulo: piense en la empresa en la que trabaja y trate de describirla como si fuera una persona, con sus características, cualidades e imperfecciones, y todo ello en base al siguiente criterio simplificado:
  • Madurez del sector
  • Grado de penetración  de los productos y servicios que ofrece la empresa
  • Situación financiera de la empresa
  • Implantación de la tecnología

A modo de primer ejemplo, si yo mismo pienso en una empresa del sector de la energía con un logo con tres hojas de diferente color, pues la imagino  como un yuppie entrado en los cuarenta, un poco rellenito, con dinero y que básicamente se come el mundo, a día de hoy.

Segundo ejemplo: empresa que se dedica a la venta de bienes por internet y que está copando el mercado mundial: pues la imagino como el Lobo de Wall Street, o como un señor feudal del siglo XV que pronto tendrá derecho de pernada. En definitiva, un bully (matón), agresivo, inmisericorde.

Tercer ejemplo: pequeña empresa de unos diez trabajadores de un sector en declive, con diez años de vida: pues la imagino como un niño con problemas de salud, dado el sector en el que opera: esto es, a no ser que se reinvente, se internacionalice o cambien los marcos regulatorios lo tendrá difícil.

Para  cada uno de los casos expuestos cada uno de nosotros opinaríamos bien diferente, puesto que nuestra percepción y experiencias hacen que nuestro sistema de medida de lugar a resultados diferentes. No obstante, hecho el ejercicio, incluyamos dentro de la ecuación la velocidad a la que se están produciendo los cambios tecnológicos y el impacto que éstos tienen en las empresas, así como el riesgo que éstas asumen cuando toman la decisión de adoptar una u otra tecnología. ¿Qué sucede entonces? Pues que estamos introduciendo una una nueva variable que no tenemos controlada, con dificultades además para saber qué dirección va a tomar, y para la cual no estamos preparados ni a nivel de gerencia ni a nivel de operaciones, y que encima nos obliga a una gestión del cambio fortísima y con fuerte rechazo. Esto se ve nítidamente en el sector de la automoción:
  • ¿Afrontamos ya el reto del coche eléctrico? ¿o nos esperamos a que haya un porcentaje mínimo de electrolineras en el mercado? ¿quién va a comprar coches eléctricos si no hay infraestructura para cargarlos?
  • ¿Apostamos por el coche autónomo? ¿está la tecnología lo suficientemente avanzada? A más a más, están las infraestructuras y resto de parque automovilístico y las personas preparadas para ello? Porque quizás nos conduzca un coche fantástico, pero si el resto del parque es básicamente analógico y no se comunica con el mío, tengo ciertas dudas de que mi coche autónomo tome la decisión más acertada en cada momento, sobre todo debido a la infinita casuística que se puede generar durante la conducción. 
  • Mientras tanto, ¿y si dirigimos nuestros esfuerzos al vehículo de gas? ¿y por qué no el de nitrógeno?

Independientemente del nivel de complejidad de las decisiones, que es altísimo, las empresas deben estar preparadas y trazar planos a corto, largo y muy largo plazo. Porque la alternativa es la parálisis, igual a muerte. Y es que el mercado te pide hoy en día innovación en serie con una rampa de lanzamiento al mercado desde el piloto casi inexistente. 

Y ante este cambio tecnológico, que provoca una alta mortandad infantil y la desaparición acelerada de empresas consolidadas, ¿cómo afronta su compañía la situación?  Proponemos una serie de pautas: . 
  • La elaboración de un diagnóstico digital de la empresa, en todos y cada uno de los procesos que en ella suceden, es la primera de las actividades a realizar.
  • Un vigía tecnológico que no sólo contemple las tecnologías que están por llegar, sino también qué está haciendo la competencia
  • Un plan de innovación consolidado en los presupuestos, ergo irrenunciable: reservar una cantidad mínima por escrito para lanzar rápido y equivocarse rápido
  • Identificar los puntos de dolor de la empresa, ponerles un valor en euros y saber cuál va a ser su tendencia a medio plazo - todo ello para priorizarlas y saber cuál debemos atacar primero-, así como estudair de qué manera la tecnología puede ayudarme a acabar con ellos.

Sólo aquellas empresas con visión, flexibles y con capacidad de pivotar rápidamente podrán adaptarse y ganarán posibilidades de supervivencia. El resto, sólo si tienen un marco regulatorio favorable (empresas generadoras de electricidad, por ejemplo), podrán permitirse el lujo de contemplar la batalla desde la acera de enfrente.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

La tinderización de la innovación: buscando proyectos desesperadamente en la Industria 4.0

Los ambientes de innovación de las empresas andan revueltos estos días, se encuentran en una montaña rusa: huelen sangre con la llegada de la Industria 4.0 como palanca para lanzar proyectos hasta hace poco no viables, las tecnologías habilitadoras están disponibles, pero sin embargo éstos no terminan de cristalizar, aterrizar y ser monetizarlos en torno a ROIs y Paybacks atractivos.

En el ecosistema podemos encontrar, por un lado, a las empresas que promueven las tecnologías asociadas a la Industria 4.0, algunas de ellas de reciente creación en busca del hype de la oportunidad, que venden el producto cuando en muchas ocasiones ni siquiera tienen casos de éxito, no disponen de cálculos acerca del Impacto en el Negocio destinatario y la escalabilidad que pueda tener – señalemos aquí a los clientes finales -, y obvian la madurez de la tecnología, provocando cierta confusión y hastío en el mercado, cansado de vendedores de humo.

Por el otro, los equipos de Industria 4.0 recién establecidos en los clientes receptores de la tecnología a rebufo de la tendencia y de las noticias que aparecen en los medios de comunicación, andan desesperados en la búsqueda de proyectos que apuntalen y alimenten su existencia. Y cuando piensan que tienen el proyecto bien elaborado y lo someten al proceso de aprobación, son tantos los impedimentos con los que se encuentran que se quedan con uno, o ninguno.

Todo ello combinado genera una vorágine de propuestas de proyectos de toda índole y foco poco centrado, ahondando en el tiempo perdido y la frustración. Y como consecuencia natural la historia suele terminar en lo que venimos a denominar la tinderización de la innovación, que básicamente consiste en decir que sí a todo proyecto que cae manos de los equipos de Industria 4.0, comportamiento similar al de los chicos en la aplicación de citas y en los cuáles uno se expone pero pierde el control de la situación, siendo las chicas (los managers, en la analogía) quienes aplican filtros en base a información muy limitada y en ocasiones sesgada por los intereses particulares.

Ante este escenario tan complicado para los promotores 4.0, sólo empresas que sean capaces de medir las variables fundamentales y significativas de sus procesos, así como identificar sus dolores (pain points) en cada una de las esquinas de su negocio (producto, proceso, garantías, etc), serán capaces de listar qué proyectos son de su interés, y escribirán planes de acción objetivos y precisos. Medir y medir bien debe ser la obsesión de los Seniors de las compañías previo al inicio de cualquier actividad, ya sea de industria 4.0 o no. Y en paralelo, adquirir la capacidad de identificar quien vende humo y quien no es un must que para nada debe ser desdeñado, habiendo para ello diferentes estrategias.

Hacer swipe hacia la derecha en tinder (= aplicar a proyectos), no es garantía de nada, más allá de tener que dar respuesta e iniciar conversaciones, 95% vacías, con más chicas (= Seniors) por historias de amor (=proyectos) que no conducen a ningún lado.